In reference to the CBS story…
I had to post this on my Facebook page, I was so embarrassed for promoting it … 
So I apologize for promoting the CBS Sunday Morning news that featured Mt Airy. 
WHAT A DUMB TRICK!   He gets on the trolley and asks about politics.   
POLITICS!  In MAYBERRY!  He just couldn’t enjoy the simpler time and small town 
atmosphere without stirring the political and racial pot!  Really?  EVERY 
SINGLE TIME I go to Mt Airy, I see white and black fans, folks that look like 
me AND bikers, young folks, older folks, tattooed folks, Northern folks, 
Southern folks, blue collar, white collar, all walks of life. Never ever is 
politics or race discussed. But trust me , there are plenty of African American 
fans. And for the “ rabid fans only who believe Mayberry is real” crack 😡😡😡😡- 
seriously dude…. That’s what our county needs - to believe in a simpler time if 
neighbor helping neighbor instead of looking at a 15 year old tweet and 
deciding you are or were something based on that and so now you have 
retributions to pay.  Mr. Koppel’s crack about “ afraid of letting the young 
boy watch TAGS 4 hours a day might turn his brain to mush “- sir, your brain is 
mush. I said it and I ain’t taking it back neither.  This was a hit piece. It 
was great up until the trolley scene. Even the African American family told him 
what a great place it was to live now. Of course he kept worrying about 40 
years ago..,  thank goodness for the trolley man. He nailed it. Like I said… 
swell party, but what a dumb trick 

I said it and I ain’t taking it back neither 

> Rebecca /Lydia 
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