Just  watched "Mayberry On Record" for the umpteenth time, and something
just occurred to me that never did before. When Andy, Barney, Floyd and the
other guys found out that Mr. Maxwell had checked out of the hotel and left
town, they were looking at a map to figure out where he went. Andy made a
comment that Mr. Maxwell couldn't have gone too far in only 6 hours.

Of course, a little while later, Mr. Maxwell walks in with the signed
record contract and the first royalty check. He said he just got back from

Well, checking Google Maps, it's about a 4 hour drive - one way - from
"Mayberry" in North Carolina to Richmond, Virginia.  If you go by bus, it
takes almost twice as long.

So......after studyin' on this awhile - the only possible way Mr. Maxwell
could've made the round-trip in 6 hours is if he had a private plane.  I
guess he was a pilot and a record producer.

JOE from G.I.
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