Hi Perry,

> Hopefully, this application is for your intranet, where you're 
> using IE (I believe). If so try the following script.

Yup, well remembered ;-)

> To just have the forms hidden and leave a space open for them:
> function HideOrSeek()
>    {      for(loop = 0; loop < document.forms.length; loop++)
>       {   document.forms[loop].style.visibility == "hidden"?
>           document.forms[loop].style.visibility = "visible":
>           document.forms[loop].style.visibility = "hidden";}
>       }

That's the one I was after, and it works perfectly - thanks very much!

If anyone else has had the problem of form elements always appearing above
your DHTML layers, you might want to have a play with this - it's working
*very* nicely. Whenever your script shows a layer that might be messed up by
a form element, just hide the lot of them - you can reveal them again when
the layer disappears.


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