As a user and compulsive bookmarker with literally thousands of bookmarks,
here's what I'd prefer:
1) Register the new, easier to remember domain name and use that as the main
name in all future publicity, etc.
2) Redirect old users to the new site
3) Place a "click here to update your bookmark" in a prominant place on the
newly named site. Otherwise I never remember to do that because I immediately
become engrossed in the contents and forget to bookmark.

That's just one user's preference. I wouldn't refer people back to the old
site because that's just going to perpetuate the problem, especially if they
bookmark it.


> Hi all,
> A client of mine chose a particularly long and unwieldy domain name a
> couple of years ago, and is now asking about the feasibility of changing
> to something easier/faster to type.

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