I wrote, previously:
FT> While poking around, I found this page: 
FT> http://kspope.com/assistech/index.php.

FT> After poking through our website, I'm really wondering if it's 
FT> possible to have a visually appealing website (i.e. at least a few 
FT> graphics) and an easy-to-navigate aural-only site at the same time.

Abigail commented:
Actually, Tim, I think that the site you found is an
excellent example of a visually appealing plus easy to
navigate site. I think it's a great model to start with.

I reply:
I think so too, in IE.  While it doesn't break in NN4.7x, it looks
rather bad...bad enough that if I were to duplicate the effort with our
site, it would be unacceptable to the powers-that-be.

Abigail further commented:
Can you clarify what some of your major problems are, or
post a link to whatever page is giving you headaches?

I reply thusly:
I think my biggest problem is that our largest client uses NN4.7 as
their base browser, so I must support it.  Furthermore, my requirements
are that the site appear the same in both IE and NN4.7.  Since NN4.7
doesn't do CSS mouseovers well (that I've discovered, anyway), I end up
downloading GIFs for the left menu - lots of them.  I don't like doing
it but it's the only way I've found to force consistent look between
NN4.7 and IE.  My log files are full of GIF requests.  :-)

I don't really have a headache yet...I just haven't started looking at
my site's pages deeply enough to start working on this aspect of things.
I have a feeling that it's going to be messy.  I've put in alt tags for
all the menu images (I wasn't aware that I could get away with alt=""; I
may have to play with that some), but am not really sure where to go
from there.  www.foulston.com  I imagine it'll take a bit of redesign.

Tim Furry
Web Developer 
Foulston Siefkin LLP 

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