NS 7.2, IE6.0 800x600 DSL WinXP Pro at 1024x768 site expands well but is not centered, all the extra space goes to the right, but it still looks good.

Very good looking site, my favorite is the Royal Lux Arm Chair:
"This here is a fine example of a chair with which you rest your arse and what not. Its quite comfortable and you will find no arse creases in it, as it is also quite resilient. Add the attractive exterior to this already arse-riffic chair and you have something truelly not too bad"

It loaded fast, and links work well too. I like the colors you have chosen for the site, very refreshing and professional looking.

There's only one problem and it's in NS7.2, there are 2 scrollbars on the right side which looks funny. On IE there is only one right scrollbar, as it should be.

Even though I checked out your page and css, I'm not experienced enough to catch the problem. One thing did catch my eye though, you have "overflow:auto;" in your css body section. What will that do?

Stephen Caudill wrote:
Ross' email reminded me that I hadn't had a site check done on the one I've just 
If anyone sees any glaring errors (or dull ones for that matter), please let me know 
(and please include browser, platform and the issue).  The site is scheduled to go 
live next week after it's moved to it's real server and populated with real data.  
Unfortunately, what is in my opinion the coolest feature of it is the CMS and it's not 
publicly accessible.


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