Actually one woman from Mauritius (that's where I live) got entagled in
one of those stupid suff. She move to south africa and lost quite some

Well, not trying to be rude but some people definitly ARE stupid!!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter MacGregor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 5:56 PM
> Subject: [wdvltalk] Re: [OT] How stupid do they think I am?
> I'm absolutely amazed that you have never had one of these 
> before! I get 
> about three a week!
> It's the well known old "Nigerian Scam" and you'd be 
> surprised how many 
> gullible people get taken in by it and actually follow it up! 
> Some lose 
> thousands and thousands as a result!
> I've had versions from about eight or nine different 
> countries this year 
> alone (got six copies of the same one in one week - the 
> sender must have 
> been getting really p**ss*d off with me for not replying! 
> HeHeHe) and if I 
> was able to inherit all the money that has apparently been 
> left in bank 
> accounts around the world by dead relatives I never knew I 
> had (and most of 
> whom have the same name and died in exactly the same way on 
> the same road 
> on the same date in different countries - now there's a feat) then I 
> wouldn't be reading the wonderful wdvl list. I'd be on the 
> beach lying on a 
> carpet of ten thousand dollar bills and enjoying a life style 
> to which I'd 
> love to become accustomed.
> Hey Ho - back to the current web development project!
> Peter MacGregor
> At 13:57 29/07/2003, you wrote:
> >In my lifetime I have received all kinds of emails 
> soliciting all kinds 
> >of things.  The email I got today definitely beats all the junk that 
> >has previously graced my inbox.  Do they really think I am so stupid 
> >that I would believe them?  Who falls for this?
> >
> >Sorry to rant on, but I had to vent!  Thanks for listening.
> >
> >Will (the message is below)
> >
> >Dear Friend,
> >
> >Please don't let this mail come as a surprise to you.Your 
> address was 
> >given to me by my husband foreign contact in your country. 
> My name is 
> >Mrs. Janet Marshall Harry the widow of the late Dr Marshall 
> Harry who 
> >was brutally murdered on Tuesday March 4th 2003 in Abuja the seat of 
> >the Nigeria Government.
> >
> >Everybody is convinced that he was killed by the People's Democratic
> >Party(PDP)
> >led Federal Government because of his critical views of government 
> >policies and the need to weaken the opposition party of the All 
> >Nigerian Peoples
> >Party(ANPP)
> >which my husband is aprominent member and financier ahead of 
> the April 
> >General Elections. They believe by killing him the opposition party 
> >will be in disarray
> >and will not be able to put up a good fight in the election.
> >
> >Before my husband was killed the government through their 
> agents came 
> >to bribe my husband with the sum of $15Million United States Dollars 
> >and with a promise
> >of oil lifting license to shut his mouth and for him to 
> decamp from his
> >party
> >to the ruling party. He calledto inform me about the money the
> >government
> >brought which he deposited in a security company and he told 
> me that is
> >going
> >to return the money once the his party election campaign is 
> over in Port
> >
> >Harcourt Rivers State his home state on Saturday 8th of 
> March but the 
> >government could not wait any longer they moved in to finish him 
> >off.Right now my life and that of my family is in danger. We 
> are being 
> >constantly harassed by
> >the agents of the state and all my telephone lines have been 
> bugged. I
> >am of
> >the view that if the family stays longer than necessary they 
> might come
> >for us
> >because we can identify some of the killers. There is need for me and
> >the
> >family to relocate and seek political asylum in a western 
> country. Since
> >we
> >will be in need of funds when we are outside the country i 
> have decided
> >to keep
> >the $15 Million United States Dollars for the family upkeep and
> >survival.
> >
> >What is needed now is a foreigner who will claim the money 
> and have it 
> >transferred safely out of the country. You will hold the money in 
> >custody and invest it for the family while we perfect our traveling 
> >arrangement to your
> >country. This will be done immediately the money has been 
> successfully
> >and
> >safely transferred into your account.
> >
> >Please get in touch with me for more information via my 
> email address 
> >if you are really interested in assisting me and the family. Please 
> >treat this email
> >with the urgency and sincerity it deserves our lives, survival and
> >destiny lies
> >in your hand.
> >
> >May the good Lord be with you as you help your fellow
> >mankind in his hour of need.
> >
> >Respectfully yours,
> >
> >Mrs. Janet Harry Marshall
> >
> >
> >
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