I just answered a question about links on another list. You seem to
be making some of the same mistakes the other fellow I responded to
did. Just below I'm appending my answer to him.

If you want to see some complex links working correctly, take a look
at this site I'm developing [ignore red outlines on boxes, I'm trying
to figure what some of my tables' margins render incorrectly].

Here are some simple instructions on how to code them:

#1 Do set up a separate selector to identify your links as in
        .leftmenutext {
                 foo: foo; }
        >Your .leftmenutext wants to be the selector [the div, class
or table] which your links will descend from.<

#2 But don't put properties specific to the links pseudo-class in
that selector. Put  general and color definitions in this section and
the color that type which is not links will be. The background-color
won't be transparent, as the color you specify here will be the
underlying color for this section.
        [    NO GOOD
        .leftmenutext {
                text-decoration: none;
                color: #232150;
                background-color: transparent;
                font-size: smaller;
                padding-left: 10px;
                }      ]
        .leftmenutext {
                padding-left: 10px;
                color: #232150;
                background-color: #666;
                font-size: x-small;
                } /* #666 is a gray */

#3 If most of the links in your code have no text decoration, nix
them once in a generic pseudo-class decoration as follows and you
won't need to enter it again anywhere. [If you want to underline some
links you can provide for the underline by adding text-decoration:
underline only where needed. So far your code will read:
        a {     text-decoration: none;
        #leftmenutext {
                padding-left: 10px;
                color: #232150;
                background-color: #666;
                font-size: x-small;

#4 Notice I changed your .leftmenutext to #.leftmenutext. There's
only one section with this name so this works better. Browsers can
choke on selectors which are classed [.foo] when they should be id'd
[#foo].  Class is for selectors that will appear more than once in a

#5 :visited :hover :active inherit from the pseudo-class a they
descend from, so you don't need to repeat in these pseudo-classes
properties that will be the same as the parent a selector. [You also
don't need to refer to them as classes themselves]. Additional
code will read:
        #leftmenutext a {
                color: #232150;
                background-color: transparent;
        #leftmenutext a:visited {
                        color: green;
                background-color: transparent;
        #leftmenutext a:hover {
                        color: #FF6600;
                background-color: transparent;
        #leftmenutext a:active {
                        color: #yellow;
                background-color: transparent;

Best of luck with your project,


Ok guys, ive got an annoying issue. CSS based I guess. Im putting my site
http://www.galatekinc.com/ to a major revision, and while testing it I
noticed that a small menu I have on the left hand side has a problem. When
the cursor goes over the "Generator Gawl" link, it highlights the way I want
but then it also covers all of the choices above it; it is the only link
that does that. The CSS class code for its properties and the HTML code for
the menu follow:

<div class="highlightbox"><u>ANIME LINKS</u><br>
<A CLASS="highlightbox" HREF="/anime/ranma.html">Ranma 1/2</A><br>
<A CLASS="highlightbox" HREF="/anime/kurumi.html">Steel Angel Kurumi</A><br>
<A CLASS="highlightbox" HREF="/anime/gawl.html">Generator Gawl</A><br>
<--- This is the problem link
<A CLASS="highlightbox" HREF="/anime/trigun.html">Trigun</A><br>
<A CLASS="highlightbox" HREF="/anime/801tts.html">801 TTS</A><br>

The CSS concerning the HTML code

div.highlightbox {background: gray; color: yellow; text-align: center}
a.highlightbox {color: white; text-decoration: none}
a.highlightbox:hover {color: yellow; border: thin groove silver}

Thanks in advance

Charles R King
Galatek Incorporated/Wanderers Haven

Charles R King
Galatek Incorporated/Wanderers Haven

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