--------------- Hoenig, Robert wrote: --------------- 
: I've been given the task of getting PC and user information from
: Active directory and from the pc's (WMI).  I've written the
: scripts to pull the information and they currently write the data
: to a text file and an HTML file.  I'm thinking that having the
: data written to XML/XSL format would be more flexible because I
: want to display it on our intranet and give the user the option
: to download it.  If someone could point me in the write direction
: I can take it from there. 
: Thanks in advance.
: Robert

  I've no experience scripting for AD, so I don't know what format
it returns data in, but you might look into what formats you can 
extract info from it in.  Are you looking to do a transformation 
on the HTML?  If so, it could be troubled waters ahead, though it
might not be...  

heres one possible scenario (in a perfect world):

- AD spits out XML natively (am I spitting in a bucket here?)
- Use XSL to transform this into browser markup

or... (less fun, more likely)
- AD spits out HTML 3.2 or 4.0 and thats it
- fervent scripting (regex and your server side language) ensues
  in a desparate attempt to make this cruddy html xml compliant
- XSL transformation to something useful follows

might be able to be of some real help with some more info...


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