-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Clutterbuck [Re: Is Netscape 4.x dead?

I don't worry about older browsers per se, but like Rudy it's the @import
trick I use to keep the design work hidden from horrors like Netscape 4.7
(and I'm most pleased of myself I've not used a single CSS hack in about a
year now). I've never understood the mentality to do browser sniffs or
deliver different content to different browsers - if you do your job
properly you shouldn't need to, even with the plethora of bugs, quirks and
inconsistencies we see in all the browsers out there (although I'd love to
see IE dead or Microsoft get their asses in gear, read the specs and stop
acting like children - although we would need to see the end of the
Compuserve "PNG will kill GIF - please keep it alive for us" backhander
conspiracy to do it properly).


rudy and Russ have the right of it -- avoid the hacks and the sniffs. Older
browsers, as Cheryl says, can get the content right even if it isn't fully
tricked out. Non-compliant browsers of all sorts should degrade with
reasonable grace. 

Microsoft has its browser functioning perfectly for the MS Wide Web. IE6
with its compounding bug and bug workarounds fits perfectly with all the
other bug ridden MS applications. Cross-platform reliability doesn't seem to
be much of a goal for MS. Cherry picking standards to form a proprietary
implementation seems more in keeping with passed performance. Look at the
proprietary implementation of xml, the invention of asp, the MS dependence
of .Net, and then speculate on the chances that IE Longhorn will be
standards compliant. MS isn't going to seriously adopt standards unless and
until there is a critical mass of standards compliant browser usage such
that IE users start to realize that while they are getting the same
information as other people it looks boring and plain by comparison.   


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