-----Original Message-----
From: Gerenday, Perry (P.) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: Re: [wdvltalk] Alphanumeric Ordered List

BJ wrote:

> Try:
> <dt>1.</dt>
> <dd>text text text</dd>
> <dt>2a.</dt>
> <dd>text text text</dd>
> (etc)
> This will give you the same block layout as <li> would

That has promise.
I actually had to look up what the <dt> & <dd> tags where for.
I've never used them.


Drew Wrote:

> ...the other choice is to use a list-style-type:none for the main 
> entries and enter them yourself.

Ahhh, that's the kind of "hackishness" I was looking for.
I'll try this too.

...but, as Cheryl pointed out, neither of these would be semantically

Perry Gerenday

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