Using display: none defeats the purpose if accessibility is your concern.
That's the Fahrner technique see:
They see the same thing you report when css is on and images off. You need
to position it off page with a negative (or really high) margin. Might check
some of the other image replacement techniques listed in

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
Microsoft FrontPage MVP 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Clutterbuck 

Good Job Stephen!

Re your image replacement for the title - exactly which "flavour" are you
using? I don't think I've seen one which uses an empty <span>. My personal
preference is styling the <h1> with the background image and relevant sizes
and then nesting a <span> inside that <h1>. That nested <span> is then
styled with display:none to hide it. The only delay I then experience is the
time it takes to download the image (which is always a factor anyway so
resolving that is a different issue).

The only downside to this approach is a browser configured with CSS on and
Images off as the <h1> box will be rendered but nothing will show up in it.

I thought this might have something to do with what BlueRobot calls the
"Flash of Unstyled Content" but the rest of the CSS loads in fine - could be
worth a double-check though:

Apart from that it's looking good and onwards with XHTML+CSS!!! I sincerely
hope there are some of those more CSS-loathing table-based designers out
there who's seen this page...THIS is what we are talking about, and the code
is so much cleaner than the nested junk that table-based design will churn

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