Ross Clutterbuck wrote:
Good Job Stephen!

Thanks Ross! Means a lot coming from the Master of the Universe and all :)

Re your image replacement for the title - exactly which "flavour" are you using? I don't think I've seen one which uses an empty <span>. My personal preference is styling the <h1> with the background image and relevant sizes and then nesting a <span> inside that <h1>. That nested <span> is then styled with display:none to hide it. The only delay I then experience is the time it takes to download the image (which is always a factor anyway so resolving that is a different issue).

Apparently display:none doesn't get read by the bulk of aural browsers on the market now, so this was a method someone came up with to get around that issue and keep things accessible. The basis of the idea is to leave the text in the header (set to position:relative and set to the height and width of the image), add the extra span(set to display:block, the height and width of the image and position:absolute; left:0; top:0;) and give this empty span the background-image... The method is detailed at:

The only downside to this approach is a browser configured with CSS on and Images off as the <h1> box will be rendered but nothing will show up in it.

Yeah, this technique gets around that.

I thought this might have something to do with what BlueRobot calls the "Flash of Unstyled Content" but the rest of the CSS loads in fine - could be worth a double-check though:

It's close, but that's not it... Because the text isn't being hidden in any way, you simply see it until the image loads. Definite drawback to this technique. I don't consider it too much of a hit to take when you think about the fact that it gets around the "CSS on / Images off" and screen reader difficulties though. Always a trade-off, eh? :D

Apart from that it's looking good and onwards with XHTML+CSS!!! I sincerely hope there are some of those more CSS-loathing table-based designers out there who's seen this page...THIS is what we are talking about, and the code is so much cleaner than the nested junk that table-based design will churn out.

w00t! w00t!

Thanks again MOU :)

- Stephen

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