From: "Matthew Macdonald-Wallace"
Quoting Joseph Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I will have, soon, to set up a blog on one site and later on another one or two.

I would like these to be connected in some way, and possibly to appear on blog servers. Since the more I read the less I know and I need great simplicity (but you knew that ;-) ) I wonder if anyone has advice on whether Wordpress is the best vehicle for this, or whether there are better ways...

I use Wordpress for both my personal development server interface and for
my wedding blog to keep family & friends informed of stuff in the runup to
the big day.

In the past, I've tended to roll my own Contetn Management System so that
it does exactly what I want, but wordpress seems to be a great system.

Not sure if that helps, but heym, it's a thursday and I feel hung over...



That is a great endorsement of the system Matt - thanks (so long as it's simple ;-) )


And congrats on the wedding; hope everything is sorting out on that even better than running a Windows system ;-).

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