Hi guys, I'm trying to do something thats probably very elemtary but i'm stuck, can anyone please help?

I'm trying to install Moin (an opensource wiki creator) via on my linux webhost via Terminal over SSH.

I have the following line as an example in the help docs:
python setup.py --quiet install --prefix=$HOME --record=install.log

so in trying to do the substitution I put:
python /Users/me/Desktop/moin/setup.py --quiet install --prefix=$HOME --record=install.log

but I get the error:
python: can't open file '/Users/pete/Desktop/moin/setup.py'

should I be including localhost or my ip in the reference?

also will i need to change $HOME to something like my public root folder '/htdocs/' ? or my full website path?

Any help or advice much appreciated.  Thanks.

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