On 09/19/2008 12:35 PM, joseph harris wrote:
>> This may be a stupid question and I don't mean to offend or 
>> belittle you, but you are accessing it via a webserver on your box
>> (i.e. the address bar starts with http://) and not just loading the
>> file directly (with the address bar showing file://), right?

> Right. And it is a good question David - but I haven't regressed 
> that far ;-). Access is through the localhost server  thus 
> The software is Apache via 
> the EasyPHP 2.0b1 bundle on dear old XpSP2. CSS is picked up but 
> on html, shtml files there is no SSI processing - no error 
> messages, no blank screen.

Right - it sounds like Apache isn't configured to handle SSI includes.

Assuming that you're using Apache 2 and the filenames you're using for
HTML pages which include SSI calls use the extension .shtml, you'll need
the following in Apache's httpd file:

    AddType text/html .shtml
    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

And, a suitable Options line including "Includes" (or IncludesNoExec) -
in a <Directory> block etc.

Have a look at your Apache config file; it's likely that the appropriate
options are there already, but just commented out.

> I don't know if the clue is in Firefoxe's refusal to parse shtml, 

There's no such thing as "shtml", and Firefox (or any other browser)
doesn't know what SSI is; as far as the browser is concerned, SSI calls
are just standard HTML comments to be ignored.

> yet deigning to print the source in the main window. 

This, to me, sounds like the webserver is serving .shtml files with
Content-Type of text/plain rather than text/html.

Do you have anything like Tamper Data / Live HTTP Headers Firefox
extensions installed which would let you see the Content-Type header
that your server is sending?

If not, you could do it the manual way - use telnet to connect to
localhost on port 80, then say:

HEAD /control_your_debt/ HTTP/1.0

Followed by two newlines.

Then look for a Content-Type header in the response.

So far as i
> know - and this is not recollection, but the file that worked for 
> this previous website - this is correct calling
> <!--#include file="zin-sub-form-goldblock1.txt"--> and
> <!--include file="spw-tailpiece-sp.txt"-->

The first is mostly correct, although there should be a space before the
"-->" at the end.  The second is just a HTML comment.

You want:

<!--#include file="filename" -->

> .htaccess reads
> AddType text/.html .shtml
> AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes

Ah - this is what I was talking about above.  It looks mostly right, but
if it's Apache2, you'll want the "AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml" as I
described above, rather than the "AddHandler server-parsed...".

Also, you might find that having those directives in a .htaccess file
won't work; only certain directives are allowed in .htaccess files, and
the directives that are allowed can be changed by settings in the main
config file.


Dave P

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