From: "David Precious"

On 09/19/2008 12:35 PM, joseph harris wrote:
This may be a stupid question and I don't mean to offend or
belittle you, but you are accessing it via a webserver on
your box
(i.e. the address bar starts with http://) and not just
loading the
file directly (with the address bar showing file://), right?

Right. And it is a good question David - but I haven't
that far ;-). Access is through the localhost server  thus The software is Apache
the EasyPHP 2.0b1 bundle on dear old XpSP2. CSS is picked up
on html, shtml files there is no SSI processing - no error
messages, no blank screen.

Right - it sounds like Apache isn't configured to handle SSI

Assuming that you're using Apache 2 and the filenames you're
using for
HTML pages which include SSI calls use the extension .shtml,
you'll need
the following in Apache's httpd file:

   AddType text/html .shtml
   AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

And, a suitable Options line including "Includes" (or
IncludesNoExec) -
in a <Directory> block etc.

Have a look at your Apache config file; it's likely that the
options are there already, but just commented out.

I don't know if the clue is in Firefoxe's refusal to parse

There's no such thing as "shtml", and Firefox (or any other
doesn't know what SSI is; as far as the browser is concerned,
SSI calls
are just standard HTML comments to be ignored.

yet deigning to print the source in the main window.

This, to me, sounds like the webserver is serving .shtml files
Content-Type of text/plain rather than text/html.

Do you have anything like Tamper Data / Live HTTP Headers
extensions installed which would let you see the Content-Type
that your server is sending?

If not, you could do it the manual way - use telnet to connect
localhost on port 80, then say:

HEAD /control_your_debt/ HTTP/1.0

Followed by two newlines.

Then look for a Content-Type header in the response.

So far as i
know - and this is not recollection, but the file that worked
this previous website - this is correct calling
<!--#include file="zin-sub-form-goldblock1.txt"--> and
<!--include file="spw-tailpiece-sp.txt"-->

The first is mostly correct, although there should be a space
before the
"-->" at the end.  The second is just a HTML comment.

You want:

<!--#include file="filename" -->

.htaccess reads
AddType text/.html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes

Ah - this is what I was talking about above.  It looks mostly
right, but
if it's Apache2, you'll want the "AddOutputFilter INCLUDES
.shtml" as I
described above, rather than the "AddHandler server-parsed...".

Also, you might find that having those directives in a
.htaccess file
won't work; only certain directives are allowed in .htaccess
files, and
the directives that are allowed can be changed by settings in
the main
config file.


Dave P

Hmmm.  Now you have me tinkering where I know not...   ;-)

OK so I've added Includes here [line 204 on mt httpd.conf in the
Appache config folder]
# The Options directive is both complicated and important.
Please see
   # for more information.
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes

And uncommented and added .php here [line 461/2]
# Filters allow you to process content before it is sent to the
   # To parse .shtml files for server-side includes (SSI):
   # (You will also need to add "Includes" to the "Options"
AddType text/html .shtml .php
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml .php

Restarted the server

Ha! No change on my script and wordpress index.php won't even appear - blank page. IE and Firefox

Restarted the machine, checkedthe file has been saved with changes. Still no action as above. Getting mysterious - or showing some inadequacy by localhost operator...

The logic of the chain of action is clear, and with your instructions I can see how it should order the parsing.

If I can't sort this by the end of tomorrow I will abandon it. Finding out the problem is just taking time. But if you have any more ideas I'll try them with gratitude for your help.


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