A.M. Kuchling wrote:
On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 05:01:41PM +1000, Anthony Baxter wrote:

If you spell it wrong, you either
get a broken web application with no useful traceback, or else a monstously hideous traceback that's almost entirely useless.

This is also part of why I've never been able to get anywhere with
Twisted, and why I'm suspicious of systems that depend critically on
interfaces, adaptors, and other such extensions to the object model.
When they go wrong, diagnosing the problem is messy, and simple typos
can get turned into huge debugging expeditions.

I think this fairly accurately describes the risk of strongly decoupled systems like Zope 3 and Twisted. In the beginning of OO, people had this complaint about inheritance hierarchies too. And they were partially right, but not entirely. I believe adaptation is a useful tool, but like inheritance, one shouldn't overdo it and use with it with care. I can certainly say Zope 3 in some areas goes overboard with this.

How would you deal with the flexibility requirements that these systems have, though?


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