Hello everyone,

A long time ago (before the advent of IronPython), I wrote a small Python module that compiled a python file to a JScript.NET file and compiled it. Seeing as JScript and _javascript_ are very similar, I bet this could be very helpful. See http://subway.python-hosting.com/attachment/wiki/Py2Js/pyc.2.py for the code.

I envision a world where we can write something like:
<input type="button" />

And it will do a server-side RPC to the onButtonClick() method, which could do something like this:
def onButtonClick(ctx):
    ctx.document.writeln("Button clicked")

ctx would serve as a magical proxy for method calls back to the client. This would allow seamless integration of _javascript_ and Python without even writing a line of JS. What do you think?
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