On 5/2/05, James Y Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 2, 2005, at 8:47 PM, Peter Hunt wrote:
> >  I envision a world where we can write something like:
> >  <input type="button" onclick="server.onButtonClick()" />
> >
> >  And it will do a server-side RPC to the onButtonClick() method, which
> > could do something like this:
> >  def onButtonClick(ctx):
> >   ctx.document.writeln("Button clicked")
> >
> >  ctx would serve as a magical proxy for method calls back to the
> > client. This would allow seamless integration of JavaScript and Python
> > without even writing a line of JS. What do you think?
> I think that's exactly what Donovan's LivePage does.

Yep.  Exactly.


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