On May 3, 2005, at 11:01 AM, Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:

> On 5/3/05, Donovan Preston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I didn't say that I wanted to reinvent the wheel of javascript
>> libraries. What I was proposing was creating a mailing list and web
>> site focused on advanced javascript techniques (with no libraries. I
>> have said before that I don't think JS libraries really work). My
>> main goal would be to have more discussions like the one we are
>> having now, except with a wider community than the Python community.
> I apologize for misunderstanding you.

No problem -- it's email :-) I originally misunderstood what Martijn  
said, and it wasn't until I reread it in the context of your quote  
that I understood.

Before I reinvent the wheel of creating new mailing lists, I will  
spend some time scouring weblogs and web framework project pages for  
projects which are incorporating AJAX features (rails, etc). If I  
find another community which is suitable, I'll suggest interested  
people join that instead.

In case I don't find something which looks suitable, how many people  
on this list would be interested? Any suggestions for what it should  
be called, and what it should cover? I am generally interested in  
sparking discussion of modern JavaScript techniques in general, not  
just AJAX out of band client to server communication.

> SF.net is not perfect, but it gets my vote.

I wouldn't want to touch SF with a ten-foot pole, sorry. :-(


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