On May 3, 2005, at 1:16 PM, Donovan Preston wrote:
> In case I don't find something which looks suitable, how many people
> on this list would be interested? Any suggestions for what it should
> be called, and what it should cover? I am generally interested in
> sparking discussion of modern JavaScript techniques in general, not
> just AJAX out of band client to server communication.

Count me in for participating in an advanced js discussion list.

A name?  Don't know.  How about "grassroots-js", and the topics:
     - ajax (or any other form of asynchronous web app techniques)
     - form manipulation
     - design patterns in js
     - cross-platform abstraction layers
     - javascript with RESTian architectures
     - livepage'ish server to client techniques/applications
     - how to avoid using js
     - security
     - more?


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