On Feb 19, 2006, at 4:22 PM, Ian Bicking wrote:
>> - HTTP header parsing support, e.g. language codes, quality lists,  
>> etc
> This would be very nice.  Clark has done some work in  
> paste.httpheaders
> for these; but I don't think any of us (Clark included) are really
> satisfied with how that module is layed out.  Maybe it is because
> headers in general don't have that much in common with each other.   
> I'm
> not sure.
> But nevertheless, it's all very mechanical, and based on existing and
> stable HTTP standards.  So I think it is an excellent candidate for  
> the
> standard library.

I've done a bunch of work on this in twisted.web2, and it is pretty  
much completely separable from the rest of the server (it doesn't  
import any other twisted modules). I have parsers for almost all of  
the standard HTTP headers. There is a standard header format that  
many of the headers conform to.



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