At 11:54 PM 2/8/2007 -0800, Titus Brown wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I just ran into an interesting sanity check problem, and I was hoping
>you could all cross-check *my* sanity.
>Should the WSGI environ variables 'wsgi.multithread' and
>'wsgi.multiprocess' be set to 'True' in
>They are, currently, but I see no indication in WSGIServer
>(inheriting from BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer) of multithreadedness
>or multiprocessedness.

Yeah, multiprocess should probably be set false there, and 
multithreadedness should depend on whether the ThreadingTCPServer or 
whatever it's called is mixed in.  (HTTPServer does in fact support this, 
but it's not tested in a WSGI context as far as I know.)

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