On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 12:10:00PM -0500, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
-> At 11:54 PM 2/8/2007 -0800, Titus Brown wrote:
-> >Hi folks,
-> >
-> >I just ran into an interesting sanity check problem, and I was hoping
-> >you could all cross-check *my* sanity.
-> >
-> >Should the WSGI environ variables 'wsgi.multithread' and
-> >'wsgi.multiprocess' be set to 'True' in
-> >wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer?
-> >
-> >They are, currently, but I see no indication in WSGIServer
-> >(inheriting from BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer) of multithreadedness
-> >or multiprocessedness.
-> Yeah, multiprocess should probably be set false there, and 
-> multithreadedness should depend on whether the ThreadingTCPServer or 
-> whatever it's called is mixed in.  (HTTPServer does in fact support this, 
-> but it's not tested in a WSGI context as far as I know.)

OK.  Err, do you want a patch? ;)

The problem I'm running into is that our (Mike Orr & I) WSGI interface
for Quixote does a check to make sure that the Quixote application is
explicitly marked as threadsafe before allowing a multithreaded WSGI
server to run it.  I can't bring myself to remove this sanity check,
because it does seem like a good idea, but it makes the example code a
bit more complicated...

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