Phillip J. Eby ha scritto:
> At 04:15 PM 12/26/2007 +1100, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>> On 26/12/2007, Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > At 12:28 PM 12/24/2007 +0100, Manlio Perillo wrote:
>> > >By the way: isn't it better to first release a WSGI 1.1 before
>> > >jumping to a (incompatible) WSGI 2.0?
>> >
>> > Better for whom, and for what purpose?
> These are good things to have, sure.  But this doesn't answer the 
> question of why doing that first would be *better* than doing 2.0 first, 
> assuming that there is any reason why they can't or shouldn't be worked 
> on concurrently.

The problem is that WSGI 2.0 does not yet exists; instead WSGI 1.0 has 
already been implemented in several different environments so it seems 
better to first "complete" WSGI 1.0 (errata, addendum, or 1.1).

Manlio Perillo
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