On Feb 3, 2008, at 6:41 PM, Ian Bicking wrote:

> Brett Cannon wrote:
>> As part of the standard library cleanup for Python 3.0, it has been
>> suggested to me that the Cookie module be removed. The rationale for
>> this is that most of the module is already deprecated and cookielib
>> does a better job for cookie support anyway.
>> I just wanted to see if anyone here had strong objections (along with
>> reasons) as to why the module should be kept around in some form or
>> another.
> I think most frameworks still use the Cookie module.  The cookielib
> module is more oriented to the client side.  It doesn't seem to have  
> the
> same parsing functions that you'd use on the server side (though maybe
> they are there and just not documented because they also exist in the
> Cookie module).

I think most web frameworks use setuptools at this point.  I'd rather  
get this as a distribution, rather than from the standard library.  In  
fact, I'd prefer to see all web-development libraries distributed  
separate from the language in Python 3.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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