On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 4:11 PM, John Millikin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've added a few issues to your tracker, regarding encoding
>  autodetection, support for serializing stdlib classes like
>  collections.deque and decimal.Decimal, and a unittest test suite.
>  There don't seem to be any downloads of simplejson available at
>  <http://code.google.com/p/simplejson/downloads/list>.

There are no downloads on google code because the downloads are on
PyPI (and there's a link to that on the front page of the google code
project). There's little reason for me to bother uploading it to
google unless setuptools makes it easy like it does for PyPI.

There is a unittest-like suite, run python setup.py test or run
nosetest directly.

I chose to only support the basic types out of the box, but you can
specialize the decoder and encoder any way you want, e.g. to provide a
JSON serialization scheme where you get a deque out if you put one in.
I can imagine scenarios where you would want to encode decimal as a
string for example, because the other end is probably going to parse
JSON numbers as doubles.

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