(messed up CC on last email, re-sending to list)

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 7:01 PM, Robert Brewer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Re: Representation of Fractional Numbers, there are two solutions. If you
> return decimals, people using JS on the other end are going to call
> float(d). If you return floats, people not using JS on the other end are
> going to go use a different library. I suggest the former is more acceptable
> than the latter for a stdlib offering. Allowing the caller of parse() to
> choose would be even better.

I don't understand what you mean, here. generate ([decimal.Decimal ('1.1')])
-> '[1.1]', so a JavaScript user calling eval() on it would get a standard
JavaScript float object without having to call float() explicitly.
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