On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Armin Ronacher
<armin.ronac...@active-4.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Alan Kennedy schrieb:
>> So you don't like the way that Django, Werkzeug, WebOb, etc, do it
>> now, even though they appear to be mostly successful, and you're happy
>> to cite them as such?
> Server != Application.
>> From the applications point of view, a framework-level configuration
>> variable is the same as a server-level configuration variable.
> It is not.  I can configure my framework from within Python code, But I
> cannot change the webserver configuration from there.
>> Wouldn't well-written applications depend on unicode?
> Only internally.  There is no such thing as Unicode in HTTP.


other points I agree with...

However, remember that there is unicode in HTTP these days.  As per
previous conversation on RFCs stating so... and real world use of
unicode in HTTP.

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