At 03:22 PM 9/22/2009 +0100, René Dudfield wrote:
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 3:07 PM, P.J. Eby <> wrote:
> At 11:30 AM 9/22/2009 +0100, Alan Kennedy wrote:
>> I see this as being the same as Graham's suggested approach of a
>> per-server configurable charset, which is then stored in the WSGI
>> dictionary, so that applications that have problems, i.e. that detect
>> mojibake in the unicode SCRIPT_NAME or PATH_INFO, can attempt to undo
>> the faulty decoding by the server.
> This puts the burden on the wrong end of the pipe: there are more apps than
> servers and they would *all* have to check this in order to be sane.

Except most everyone is using unicode in their apps already through frameworks.

Great, so only the frameworks need to change, and if we use utf8 surrogateescape, only the applications which need non-utf8 encoding will need to do anything differently.

That's one factor weighing towards PEP 383, vs. continuing with latin-1 or going to bytes.

(Frankly, though, I'm getting tired of this handwaving about these frameworks that use unicode. If they are putting objects of type 'unicode' under WSGI-defined environ keys on Python 2.x, they are *not WSGI compliant*. And conversely, if they are doing some kind of conversion already, it's not gonna kill them to do a slightly different conversion to support the new version of WSGI.)

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