On 12/4/09 12:50 AM, And Clover wrote:
So for now there is basically nothing useful WSGI can do other than
provide direct, byte-oriented (even if wrapped in 8859-1 unicode
strings) access to headers.

You could argue that this is perhaps a good reason to replace ``environ`` with something that interprets the headers according to how HTTP is actually used in the real world.

It may be that WSGI should use bytes everywhere and the recommended usage would be via a decorator (which could cache computations on the environ dictionary):

e.g. the raw application handler versus one decorated with an imaginary ``webob`` function.

  def app(environ, start_response):

  def app(request):

It is often said that WSGI should be practical, but in actual usage, I think most developers use a request/response abstraction layer.

Middlewares are usually shrink-wrapped library code that could handle a bytes-based environ dict (they'd have to explicitly decode the headers of interest).


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