On Thu, Dec 03, 2009 at 07:35:14PM +0100, And Clover wrote:
> >I don't know what the HTTP/Cookie spec says about this.
> The traditional interpretation of RFC2616 is that headers are ISO-8859-1.
> You will notice that no browser correctly follows this.

The RFC 2109 & 2965 say that a cookie's value can be anything:

> The VALUE is opaque to the user agent and may be anything the origin
> server chooses to send, possibly in a server-selected printable ASCII
> encoding.

Theoricaly you could put something like: 'foo\n\0bar' in a cookie.

Also a cookie can include comments which have to be encoded using ...

> Comment=value
>   OPTIONAL.  Because cookies can be used to derive or store
>   private information about a user, the value of the Comment
>   attribute allows an origin server to document how it intends to
>   use the cookie.  The user can inspect the information to decide
>   whether to initiate or continue a session with this cookie.
>   Characters in value MUST be in UTF-8 encoding.

  Henry PrĂȘcheur
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