On Saturday, July 17, 2010, Ian Bicking <i...@colorstudy.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Chris McDonough <chr...@plope.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 11:07 -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
>> And this doesn't help with Python 3: either we have byte values of
>> SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO in Python 3, or we have text values.  I
>> think bytes will be more awkward to port to than text, and
>> inconsistent with other WSGI values.  If we have text then we have to
>> choose an encoding.  Latin1 will work, but it will be the exact wrong
>> encoding most of the time as UTF-8 is the typical  (unlike other
>> headers, where Latin1 will mostly be an okay encoding, or as good a
>> guess as we have).  If we firmly remove these keys then we can avoid
>> this choice entirely... and we conveniently also get a better
>> representation of the request.
> My $.02: I'd rather lobby the core folks for a string ABC (which we can
> hook with a stringlike bytes type) and consider all 3.X releases made so
> far "dead to WSGI" than to have to tunnel arbitrary bytes through some
> misleading Unicode encoding.
> While I think it would be generally useful, it's also a long way off at best, 
> with serious performance dangers that could torpedo the whole thing.  But... 
> I'm also unsure how it would help here, except perhaps we could incrementally 
> annotate bytes with an encoding?  Well, I don't really know.  Treating the 
> raw request path as text is easy enough, as it should always be ASCII 
> anyway.  We don't have to worry what is "right" or "wrong" in this case.
> We could make everything bytes and be done with it, but it would make it much 
> harder to port Python 2 WSGI code to Python

FWIW, I see the whole ebytes discussion only relevant were you to make
absolutely everything bytes. We don't really need it otherwise.

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