I used wsgi and have my app on a shared server and runs excelent,
better than if was using cgi, that cause me a lot of headache with the
incompatiblities with Py3k.

2011/1/4, Eric Larson <e...@ionrock.org>:
> At Tue, 4 Jan 2011 17:19:48 +0000 (UTC),
> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> P.J. Eby <p...@...> writes:
>> >
>> > At 12:43 PM 1/4/2011 +0000, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> > >Alice Bevan­McGregor <al...@...> writes: > > [1]
>> > >http:://bit.ly/e7rtI6 So, while we are at it, could we get rid of
>> > >the "CGI server example" in this new SWGI spec? This is 2011, and we
>> > >should promote modern idioms, not encourage people to do 1995 Web
>> > >programming. 10 years ago, CGI was already frown upon. (and even the
>> > >idea that WSGI should provide some kind of CGI compatibility sounds
>> > >a bit ridiculous to me) Regards Antoine.
>> >
>> > I still use CGI for the odd one-off, testing, prototyping, etc., and
>> > it's by far the easiest thing to deploy on a lot of web hosts.
>> Really? Isn't that the kind of thing for which wsgiref should be the
>> preferred
>> choice?
>> As for deployment, why would anyone recommend using CGI in production?
>> Regards
>> Antoine.
> It is important to recognize that "production" doesn't necessarily
> have to be some ultra powerful server somewhere that is central to
> some organization. A simple server running Apache with CGI is just as
> valid a production environment as an EC2 cluster. This is especially
> true when you are the only person using the application and
> requirements are minimal. The point being that in terms of the
> specification, it should be plausible a person could use a WSGI
> application without heavy server requirements. Shared hosting is the
> obvious example here but minimal virtual machines may also fit into
> this category.
> Eric Larson
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