We haven't actually done a push up to ReadTheDocs yet.

Sorry, just been too busy with work and trip to US. I expect things to
calm down once get home this week.

FWIW, have no issues with adding other people to have direct commit
rights to wsgiorg project so I am not a bottleneck.


On 10 September 2011 12:49, Stephan Diehl <step...@transvection.de> wrote:
> Am 10.09.2011 21:29, schrieb Masklinn:
> [...]
>>> We can't just point wsgi.org to ReadTheDocs.org, right?
>> That's exactly it actually:
>> http://read-the-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/alternate_domains.html
> Ahh, excelent. Didn't see that.
> I guess we should change the CNAME as soon as possible.
> Cheers, Stephan
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