On 2011-09-16, at 12:20 , Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> On 16 September 2011 19:46, Masklinn <maskl...@masklinn.net> wrote:
>> On 2011-09-10, at 22:18 , Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>>> We haven't actually done a push up to ReadTheDocs yet.
>>> Sorry, just been too busy with work and trip to US. I expect things to
>>> calm down once get home this week.
>> Apart from your chronic lack of time, is there anything left blocking
>> the push on RTD I can help with?
> http://wsgiorg.rtfd.org/
Cool. So Christian just needs to update the DNS records now?

> Someone needs to work on the template to replace generic Sphinx type
> header/footers with more appropriate branding. Having it say version
> X.Y of documentation, trying to attribute copyright to specific person
> etc don't make sense.
I'll see if I can find how to do that this week-end.
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