On 09/20/2014 02:31 AM, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
The problem with trying to overhaul WSGI is that if it is done in an open forum 
like the Web-SIG it will die of a thousand cuts, as past efforts to update it 
in even minor ways have suffered.

The only way that WSGI itself will ever see an overhaul is through the strong 
willed determination of a few people off list, out of sight, to allow it it to 
be fully fleshed out, with input coming from direct consultation with and 
review by other related parties who have a vested interested or significant 
experience in the area.

I may be up for such an off list effort, but be warned I may want to run 
roughshod over it and exert quite a lot of influence over the process and 

I'm no one important in the Python world, but, FWIW, I agree with you. I've followed your work over the years and believe you have a penchant for details and accuracy as evidenced by your comments here on the list and your work on modwsgi and wrapt. I'd be very interested in seeing what you could come up with.

IMO, if you are up for it, you should feel free to grab a few people that you would like to work with and hammer out a PEP (or it's precursor). Then, let the PEP process work as it's intended to. Hopefully, this method results in a trend towards more concrete and specific arguments and less likely to "die of a thousand cuts."

I'm going to refer this group as the "draft team."

On 20 September 2014 19:14, Benoit Chesneau <bchesn...@gmail.com> wrote:
I would prefer to have this work being done transparently. If we do it
rationally  it could work imo.

I don't think anyone is arguing against transparency. But momentum matters and, in the history of changes to the WSGI spec, momentum has died pretty easily even when there were clearly changes that needed to be made. If Graham, or anyone else for that matter, has the gumption to go at this thing hard and get something written down, I think that that should be encouraged.

Even if the initial phases of that processes are behind closed doors, transparency will come eventually and there will be opportunity for comment.

But if you make the process too transparent too early, the energy used to keep up with everyone and all the different needs can take away from doing the actual work of defining the spec.

got an idea. What about having a page collecting feedback from anyone in the python community about this topic. So we can have true data from different perspectives: developer, library/framework author, server author. I'm OK to collect the data from it and make a summary of it once it's done.

This seems reasonable. That way, interested parties could get their comments "on record" without the draft team needing to feel like that have to satisfy or even have a discussion about every comment.

The form it could take should be discussed first but imo that a good way to engage the community. What do you think?

I'd suggest a "wsgi comments" github repo.


 * Submit a document to the repo with your comments on the future
   version of WSGI
     o use any readable format you want (Markdown, RST, plain text, etc.).
     o include name, contact information, background.  Make sure to
       give enough info about your background so the draft team has
       some context for the proposals and comments you are making.
 * Any desired discussion by interested parties can be had on the pull
   request page (or here I guess, but that might be noisy)
 * The author can update pull request if desired based on discussion
 * pull requests are automatically accepted after some time period (1
   week?) of no further comments
     o the delay in acceptance is to give time for discussion and
       updates to the PR
     o a PR merge does not indicate that the idea will be accepted into
       the WSGI PEP, it's just being merged into the comments repo
 * an individual should only update their own document, no PRs against
   someone else's document.
     o comments/discussions should go on the PR

Just my $0.02.

*Randy Syring*
Husband | Father | Redeemed Sinner

/"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36 ESV)/
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