On 21 September 2014 06:15, Randy Syring <ra...@thesyrings.us> wrote:

> I'd suggest a "wsgi comments" github repo.

So in the interests of getting things done and the spirit of EAFP I've
set up https://github.com/python-web-sig/wsgi-ng. Since I have no deep
history in web-sig, I'll happily hand out 'organisation admin' to
someone (e.g. Bill) with such history - I'm not trying to land-grab
the name, just to use something sensibly named. That said I'd like to
keep the direct committers to that specific repository limited to
whomever manages to end up collaborating well: I have a better
understanding of the burnout issue thanks to the responses in this

> Workflow:
> Submit a document to the repo with your comments on the future version of
> use any readable format you want (Markdown, RST, plain text, etc.).
> include name, contact information, background.  Make sure to give enough
> info about your background so the draft team has some context for the
> proposals and comments you are making.

I've proposed using github issues instead of documents; we can
synthesis the issues into prose in the draft docs and reference code
itself. I think this will be easier to manage than having a dozen
different comment-documents in the repo.


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud
Web-SIG mailing list
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