Did you modify the sql.py file? If so could you show us how to?
That is not a web2py error but a driver error.


On Oct 30, 10:50 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> web2py users,
> I'm using pyodbc, unixodbc and freetds to hit an MSSQL database.
> When I attempt to do a:
> a_sample_inventory = db(db.smp_inventory.smp_id ==
> request.vars.smp_id).select()
> a_sample_inventory[0].update_record(status="present")
> I get:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/larsenma/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 62, in
> restricted
>   File "/usr/share/web2py/applications/hpv/controllers/home.py", line
> 45, in <module>
>   File "/home/larsenma/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 55, in <lambda>
>   File "/usr/share/web2py/applications/hpv/controllers/home.py", line
> 40, in unreserve
>     db(a_sample_history[0]).delete()
>   File "/usr/share/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 1110, in delete
>     self._db._execute(query)
>   File "/usr/share/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 448, in <lambda>
>     self._execute=lambda *a,**b: self._cursor.execute(*a,**b)
> ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Incorrect
> syntax near '<'. (102) (SQLExecDirectW)")
> I looked at the generated sql statement and it looks fine.
> And ideas what's going on?
> Thanks.
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