Is the best place to create data for views in the controller.  For
instance,  after a student enters some initial data, I need to look at
that data and determine what scholarships they might be eligible for.
Along with the student data and a scholarship table, I need to do a
bunch of "if then" logic.  Would I put that in the controller?

For instance, the student is a female, in such and such major and is a
senior.  For each scholarship I must then look at the DB and determine
the requirements and if they are eligible, tack that Scholarship name
in to:  response.schols += "<li>This Scholarshiip</li>" and then do += db.scholarship_amount.  And then in my form do:

You are eligible for these scholarships:


You could receive as much as ${{}} for the school year.

Is this correct?



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