You are using a manual HTML form instead of {{=form}}. For an update
form you need to include

1) <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{}}"
2) {{=form.hidden_field()}}

for create 1) is not necessary. Errors are in form.errors (it is a
dictionary). Because you are building the form manually, you need to
display the errors where you want them.

web2py does not build multi-table forms but you can create that
manually using form_builder or the way you are doing it:

> form=FORM(INPUT(_name="name"),INPUT(_name="description"),SELECT
> (_name="type"),SELECT(_name="subtype"),INPUT(_name="priority"),INPUT
> (_name="enabled"),INPUT(_type="submit",_value=T("Save")))

Notice that in the case below the form has no knowledge of the
database. This means accept will only do validation for you. No more.


On Dec 12, 8:23 am, Fran <> wrote:
> On Dec 11, 5:49 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > 1) use your html instead of {{=form}} for but in the form include
> > {{if}}{{}}{{pass}}
> > {{=form.hidden_field()}}
> I'm trying to do the same kind of thing.
> I tried using
> form=SQLFORM(db.gis_layer)
> However I am missing one of the hidden_fields that I need for T2
> conflict detection:
> <Storage {'modified_on': 'must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS!'}>
> (Also, all errors are just getting reported in this ugly way in the
> form.errors section & not against each field)
> If I don't have validation errors then I get this error when it
> attempts to update the database:
>  File "C:\Bin\web2py\applications\sahana/controllers/", line
> 184, in update_layer
>     if form.accepts(request.vars,session,keepvalues=True):
>   File "C:\Bin\web2py\gluon\", line 229, in accepts
>     raise SyntaxError, "user is tampering with form"
> So I tried using:
> form=t2.update(db.gis_layer)
> Then I don't get any error reporting at all (the form just resets if
> there is 1).
> If I don't have validation errors then I get the same error when it
> attempts to update the database:
> File "C:\Bin\web2py\applications\sahana\modules\", line 457, in
> update
>     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
>   File "C:\Bin\web2py\gluon\", line 229, in accepts
>     raise SyntaxError, "user is tampering with form"
> I'm guessing that this is because I am building a form from multiple
> tables.
> This just isn't supported by either SQLFORM or T2 is it?
> In which case I need to build my own CRUD...which is probably best
> done by extending the T2 class, since I want to use some of it's
> functionality.
> As a 1st go, I'm doing it within my Controller using plain old FORM:
> form=FORM(INPUT(_name="name"),INPUT(_name="description"),SELECT
> (_name="type"),SELECT(_name="subtype"),INPUT(_name="priority"),INPUT
> (_name="enabled"),INPUT(_type="submit",_value=T("Save")))
> However form.accepts() always thinks things are fine, yet nothing is
> ever saved to the database (& I also get no errors reported - like the
> T2 experiment).
> Help very much appreciated for both getting errors displayed (when
> there are some) & for getting the database actually updated.
> (Perhaps this is the missing T2 hidden fields?)
> Here is my processing logic:
> # Get a pointer to the Layer record (for getting default values out &
> saving updated values back)
> layer=db([0]
> if form.accepts(request.vars,session,keepvalues=True):
>     layer.update(
>         description=form.vars.description,
>         type=form.vars.type,
>         priority=form.vars.priority,
>         enabled=form.vars.enabled
>     )
>     type_new=db([0].name
>     if type_new=="openstreetmap":
>         db(db['gis_layer_%s' % type_new]
>             type=form.vars.subtype
>         )
>     elif type_new=="google":
>         db(db['gis_layer_%s' % type_new]
>             type=form.vars.subtype
>         )
>         db(db.gis_key.service==type_new).update(
>             key=form.vars.key
>         )
>     response.confirmation=T("Layer updated")
> elif form.errors:
>     response.error=T("Form is invalid")
> else:
>     response.notification=T("Please fill the form")
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