Some treads here disus the handling of custom forms.

One hint was use SQLFORM in the controller and build anything else in
the view.

I don't like the idea to do things twice.

Another hint was {{=form[0][1][1][0]}}.
Not so handy and may break when fields are added to the table.
So i wrapped this in an function. Now I have both quick SQLForms for
development and all posiilites for make my one styled forms.

In a Form I can now do:
rendert as:
<li><label for="name">Name: </label><input class="string" id="name"
name="name" type="text" value="" /></li>
<li><label for="match">Match: </label><select class="reference match"
id="match" name="match"><option value="1">xyz</option></select></li>

{{=form.elm("reference", _type="hidden")}}
rendert as:
<input class="reference reference" id="reference" name="reference"
type="hidden" value="" />
<input name="_formkey" type="hidden" value="be9653b2-73ab-459b-b63d-
e3831198da3b" /><input name="_formname" type="hidden" value="color" />

{{for elm in "cmyk":}}
   {{=LI(form.elm(elm, SPAN(elm.capitalize()+": ",
_id="color_"+elm) ) )}}
rendered as:
<li><label for="c"><span id="color_c">C: </span></label><input
class="integer" id="c" name="c" type="text" value="0" /></li>
<li><label for="m"><span id="color_m">M: </span></label><input
class="integer" id="m" name="m" type="text" value="0" /></li>
<li><label for="y"><span id="color_y">Y: </span></label><input
class="integer" id="y" name="y" type="text" value="0" /></li>
<li><label for="k"><span id="color_k">K: </span></label><input
class="integer" id="k" name="k" type="text" value="0" /></li>

Any suggestions are welcome.


Here's the code that I put in a model:
#patch SQLFORM
def __elm(self, elm, label=True, _id=True, **kargs):

        if elm is "id":
                #why is id not in form.hidden_fields()?
                return self.components[1] if len(self.components) > 1 else ""
        elif elm is "delete":
                fid = -2
                fid = self.fields.index(elm)-1
                if fid < 0: raise SyntaxError, "Field not in Form!"

        field = self.components[0][fid][1][0]

        if elm is "delete" and field.attributes["_id"] is not
"delete_record": return ""

        if _id is True and "_name" in field.attributes:
                #name as id, this is maybe a little to specific for only me
                field.attributes["_id"] = field.attributes["_name"]
        elif type(_id) is str:
                #custom id
                field.attributes["_id"] = _id

        for key in kargs.keys():
                field.attributes[key] = kargs[key]

        if "_type" in field.attributes.keys() \
        and field.attributes["_type"] is "hidden":

        if label:
                lb = self.components[0][fid][0][0]

                if _id is True and "_id" in field.attributes:
                        lb.attributes["_for"] = field.attributes["_id"]
                elif type(_id) is str:
                        lb.attributes["_for"] = _id

                lb.attributes["_id"] = None

                if label is not True:
                        lb.components[0] = XML(label)

                field = XML(lb.xml() + field.xml())

        return field

SQLFORM.elm = __elm
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