I do not know what this means. Meanwhile I have incorporated Tim's
patch into


Hope that helps with tests.


On Jan 5, 9:02 pm, Iceberg <iceb...@21cn.com> wrote:
> On Jan6, 5:26am, Fran <francisb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > On Jan 5, 5:22 pm, Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com> wrote:
> > > That's normal.  What was the error in the traceback?  Was it anything 
> > > that we should code around?
> > I didn't get one - as I say, it's all working for me now with latest
> > src & your new winservice.py :)
> > All I see in Event Logs is:
> > web2py server starting
> > web2py server stopping
> > I removed the service & rebooted to try 1.54-bin (reboot required
> > otherwise service fails to install).
> > This failed in the old way - service installs but won't start:
> > System Logs just show:
> > Timeout (30000 milliseconds) waiting for the web2py Service service to
> > connect.
> > The web2py Service service failed to start due to the following
> > error:
> > The service did not respond to the start or control request in a
> > timely fashion.
> > Nothing in Application Logs.
> > Yes, I did copy the new winservice.pyc into library.zip 1st.
> > What I did in both occasions:
> > Ensure an options.py is present in the web2py folder.
> > - this has: password = 'password'
> > (I even tried copying the .pyc from the working src & also tried
> > coipying that into library.zip)
> > From the correct folder, run:
> > ..\python25\python web2py.py -W install -a password
> > or
> > web2py.exe -W install -a password
> > src works fine, but not bin.
> > No extra diagnostics I can see.
> > F
> I tried new winservice.py with 1.55rc4 bin, no surprise, same result
> as Fran's 1.54 bin, installed but doesn't work.
> I quoted some words here, from an old post which I mentioned in the
> first post of this thread:
>  http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/8382f8fcb7...
>      "pythoncom will register a class, so if you use web2py.exe, it
> may cannot get the class file and run. ..... how
> to make a zipped python exe file into a windows service ...."
> Seems that is the problem need to be solved......  hope this info is
> useful....
> Iceberg
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