We waited enough. To many changes to keep holding on.

web2py 1.55 is out.

- many2many widget via tagging (IS_IN_DB(....multiple=True)
- delete and update return number of affected rows
- better unittests
- you can next cache calls (like cache a controller that caches a
select). Thanks Iceberg
- db(....id==None).select() no longer returns an error but an empty
SQLRows on GAE
- db(...).delete(delete_uploads=True) and SQLFORM.accepts
(....delete_uploads=True) will delete all referenced uploaded files
- new DIV.element and DIV.update methods
- sqlrows.json()
- SQLFORM.widgets
- URL(r=request,args=0) instead of URL(r=request,args=[0])
- In routes_in you can now do [['a/b/c/','a/b/c/?var=value']]
- upgraded simplejson to 2.0.7
- New template engine (parsing is 6 times faster, from 2.8 to 0.5ms/
page). Gives better errors and you can now do {{="{{hello}}"}} which
displays {{hello}}.

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