Ah you caught my joke. =)

Yah, but I just got around to using that feature today.  Sorry.

mdipierro wrote:
I re*s*placed them in trunk. There was a reason why this thing was
1.55rc for some time.


On Jan 8, 2:12 pm, Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com> wrote:
Massimo, would you do a search on main.py for "reponse" and resplace those three instances with "response"
(I swear, I'm gonna buy you a new keyboard someday)
mdipierro wrote:In 1.55.2 I reverted to the old template code. I will fix the new one (if possible) and include it in the next version. Massimo On Jan 8, 7:27 am, mdipierro<mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>wrote:Auch.... will revert back until fixed. Massimo On Jan 8, 4:32 am, Iceberg<iceb...@21cn.com>wrote:On Jan8, 11:40am, mdipierro<mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>wrote:We waited enough. To many changes to keep holding on.web2py 1.55 is out.Changelog: - New template engine (parsing is 6 times faster, from 2.8 to 0.5ms/ page). Gives better errors and you can now do {{="{{hello}}"}} which displays {{hello}}.Great news, but, this view.html breaks: {{ import datetime }}{{=datetime.date( # this breaks 2009,1,8)}}I am not sure whether 1.55rc4 has this problem, bec
ause I already SHIFT +DEL my 1.55rc4 package. But it was definitely ok with much earlier versions.Besides, it would be nice if the following pattern will also be supported. {{=datetime.date(2009,1,8) # this trailing comment also causes error}}I guess this problem is caused by the new template engine. (Don't get me wrong, 6 times faster is awesome. ^_^)Iceberg-- Timothy Farrell<tfarr...@swgen.com>Computer Guy Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)


Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com>
Computer Guy
Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)

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