I see.  FastCGI "servers" need a socket or pipe to transfer data to/from 
the webserver.  In the case of *nix (mostly) they use a pipes or unix 
domain sockets (as opposed to TCP sockets).  In the case you mentioned, 
an fcgiserver was set up on a TCP socket.  My bad.  But for your 
(Apache) purposes, don't worry about this, you're using pipes (probably).

2) Use SSH to tunnel port 80 on your server to a local port (81 for 
example.  Then connect to localhost:81/admin/default/site and it should 
be your admin interface.

Routes aren't the end of the world, but if you're already using Apache 
and rewrite, use that instead of routes.  It's faster.


voltron wrote:
> hmm, on the contrary, I have seen some configurations of FCGI using IP
> addresses and ports, but not with Apache, see here:
> http://samdanielson.com/2007/1/19/fastcgi-ruby-on-rails-with-lighttpd-on-ubuntu
> 2. Localhost from the server, I do not understand, that would not be
> remote administration using SSH then? Can you explain further?
> Hmm, I would have to write some routes then
> Thanks
> On Jan 21, 9:00 pm, Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com> wrote:
>> 1) FCGI doesn't use ports.  Just use your Apache hostname.
>> 2) (see answer to #1 or use 'localhost' from the server)
>> 3) Apache routes stuff to FCGI via the rewrite command.  Read up on how
>> to use it.  The setting that I showed you routes all paths to to
>> dispatch.fcgi.  You'll want to modify that so that it only writes...say
>> /web2py/.* to dispatch.fcgi.
>> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_rewrite.html
>> voltron wrote:
>>> Hi all! I have a few questins concerning FCGI
>>> 1. I used to use mod_proxy, I had 2 web2py instances running on 2
>>> ports, 8000 and 8002, what is the equivalent in FCGI?
>>> 2. I used putty to create tunnesl to my server so I can administer the
>>> servers remotely, how can I do this using FCGI
>>> 3. Using mpd_proxy, I had the directives to exclude some directories
>>> from the reverse proxy, as in:
>>>  ProxyPass /stillservedbyapache !
>>> What is the equivalent using FCGI?
>>> Thanks
>> --
>> Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com>
>> Computer Guy
>> Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)
> >

Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com>
Computer Guy
Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)

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