2. Sorry to be so bothersome, one last thing, I am using vhosts, I
have 2 instances of web2py using FCGI, one is a subdomain and both
send on port 60 since Apache ist listening on all IPs



so how do I differentiate which one I am connecting to via SSH?

3. Actualy I do not mind using routes, I actuall pestered Massimo into
implementing a loooong way back :-)


On Jan 21, 9:54 pm, Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com> wrote:
> I see.  FastCGI "servers" need a socket or pipe to transfer data to/from
> the webserver.  In the case of *nix (mostly) they use a pipes or unix
> domain sockets (as opposed to TCP sockets).  In the case you mentioned,
> an fcgiserver was set up on a TCP socket.  My bad.  But for your
> (Apache) purposes, don't worry about this, you're using pipes (probably).
> 2) Use SSH to tunnel port 80 on your server to a local port (81 for
> example.  Then connect to localhost:81/admin/default/site and it should
> be your admin interface.
> Routes aren't the end of the world, but if you're already using Apache
> and rewrite, use that instead of routes.  It's faster.
> -tim
> voltron wrote:
> > hmm, on the contrary, I have seen some configurations of FCGI using IP
> > addresses and ports, but not with Apache, see here:
> >http://samdanielson.com/2007/1/19/fastcgi-ruby-on-rails-with-lighttpd...
> > 2. Localhost from the server, I do not understand, that would not be
> > remote administration using SSH then? Can you explain further?
> > Hmm, I would have to write some routes then
> > Thanks
> > On Jan 21, 9:00 pm, Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com> wrote:
> >> 1) FCGI doesn't use ports.  Just use your Apache hostname.
> >> 2) (see answer to #1 or use 'localhost' from the server)
> >> 3) Apache routes stuff to FCGI via the rewrite command.  Read up on how
> >> to use it.  The setting that I showed you routes all paths to to
> >> dispatch.fcgi.  You'll want to modify that so that it only writes...say
> >> /web2py/.* to dispatch.fcgi.
> >>http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_rewrite.html
> >> voltron wrote:
> >>> Hi all! I have a few questins concerning FCGI
> >>> 1. I used to use mod_proxy, I had 2 web2py instances running on 2
> >>> ports, 8000 and 8002, what is the equivalent in FCGI?
> >>> 2. I used putty to create tunnesl to my server so I can administer the
> >>> servers remotely, how can I do this using FCGI
> >>> 3. Using mpd_proxy, I had the directives to exclude some directories
> >>> from the reverse proxy, as in:
> >>>  ProxyPass /stillservedbyapache !
> >>> What is the equivalent using FCGI?
> >>> Thanks
> >> --
> >> Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com>
> >> Computer Guy
> >> Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)
> --
> Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com>
> Computer Guy
> Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)
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