I have now put the above content in the wiki under "web2py/Setup/"


It misses some things I'll change soon -- static file handling in
particular; but this is a reasonably good start.

On Jan 21, 4:11 pm, Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com> wrote:
> It would be really great if you could put in this in thewww.web2pywiki.com
> dhmorgan wrote:
> > Settting up Web2py as WSGI on Webfaction
> > Make available two subdomain names, one for adminstration, the other
> > for public display:
> >     'admin.example.com'
> >     'www.example.com'
> > Create a webfaction application of type "mod_wsgi 2.0/Python 2.5":
> >     'apachewsgi'
> > Create two webfaction sites that :
> >     'mysite_admin' -- https enabled; subdomain 'admin.example.com';
> > application 'apachewsgi' served at '/'
> >     'mysite' -- *not* https enabled; subdomain 'www.example.com';
> > application 'apachewsgi' served at '/'
> > Get the latest web2py and copy it into ~/webapps/apachewsgi/:
> >     cd ~/repos/svn #for example
> >     svn checkouthttp://web2py.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/web2py-read-
> > only
> >     svn export web2py-read-only ~/webapps/apachewsgi/web2py
> > Edit ~/webapps/apachewsgi/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
> >     see listing below
> >     in the httpd.conf file, the port number for the app is in line:
> >         "Listen NNNN"
> > Create admin password:
> >     in ~/webapps/apachewsgi/web2py:
> >         python2.5 web2py -p NNNN      # where NNNN is port number, no
> > quotes
> >     web2py will ask you for a password, which it will then store in a
> > file, 'parameters_NNNN.py'
> >     from another terminal, kill web2py process according to web2py's
> > output instructions
> > Start your app:
> >     ~/webapps/apachewsgi/apach2/bin/start
> > Have fun ?
> > =====  START httpd.conf listing  ==============================
> > ServerRoot "/home/[YOUR ACCOUNT]/webapps/apachewsgi/apache2"
> > LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so
> > LoadModule env_module modules/mod_env.so
> > LoadModule log_config_module modules/mod_log_config.so
> > LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so
> > LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
> > LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so
> > # above 6 are added by webfaction; I added mod_alias and mod_access
> > LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
> > LoadModule access_module modules/mod_access.so
> > KeepAlive Off
> > Listen NNNN
> > WSGIScriptAlias / /home/[YOUR ACCOUNT]/webapps/apachewsgi/web2py/
> > wsgihandler.py
> > WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=[YOUR ACCOUNT] group=[YOUR ACCOUNT] \
> >      home=/home/[YOUR ACCOUNT]/webapps/apachewsgi/web2py \
> >      processes=1 maximum-requests=1000
> > NameVirtualHost
> > <VirtualHost>
> >     ServerNamewww.example.com
> >     DocumentRoot /home/[YOUR ACCOUNT]/webapps/apachewsgi/web2py/
> > applications
> >     <Directory />
> >             Options FollowSymLinks
> >             AllowOverride None
> >     </Directory>
> >     <Directory /home/[YOUR ACCOUNT]/webapps/apachewsgi/>
> >             Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
> >             AllowOverride None
> >             Order allow,deny
> >             allow from all
> >     </Directory>
> > </VirtualHost>
> > <VirtualHost>
> >     ServerName admin.example.com
> >     DocumentRoot /home/[YOUR ACCOUNT]/webapps/apachewsgi/web2py/
> > applications/admin
> >     <Directory />
> >             Options FollowSymLinks
> >             AllowOverride None
> >     </Directory>
> >     <Directory /home/[YOUR ACCOUNT]/webapps/apachewsgi/>
> >             Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
> >             AllowOverride None
> >             Order allow,deny
> >             allow from all
> >     </Directory>
> > </VirtualHost>
> > LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\"
> > \
> >      \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
> > CustomLog logs/access_log combined
> > ServerLimit 2
> > =====  END httpd.conf listing  ==============================
> > particular thanks to 'johanm' for post to web2py discussion group,
> > "mod_wsgi deployment question" --
> >http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/b… 12fcb8c94b
> > Danny
> > p.s. If you're looking for help setting up a development web2py
> > server, that's also doable; write me and I'll post a how-to
> --
> Timothy Farrell <tfarr...@swgen.com>
> Computer Guy
> Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)
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