People seem to continually have trouble with this.
There is (in my mind) some good education in this:  recognition of natural
system boundaries - Massimo's publications or state (free or not) is not in
your domain (only your requests are).  Any question of "why" is analogous to
innappropriate control in software - loss of separation of concerns.  The
only appropriate statement is "I would like free documentation."

Having said that, there should be some of you going on a good,
self-introspective, medidative retreat from your computers this weekend to
comtemplate the meaning of life and community (I know I am! ;-)).

Second:  WE HEAR YOU.

The best suggestion I have gotten privately is

   - Make some free documentation you call "THE MANUAL"
   - Separate "manual" from "book" so people stop trying to control people's
   book efforts.

General structure of "the manual":

   - doctest / sphinx documentation will be w/ each function (so things will
   stay up to date)
   - doctest documentation will hold simple example (normal test case,  not
   edge or boundary testing)
   - The "manual" will be held together with a sphinx doc which will
   organize, integrate documentation from various modules, and add / mix-in
    wiki contributions (that is, it will be a community contributed manual)

Books will stand on their own, and (naturally) be the domain of the authors.

Sound good?

Hopefully people will stop talking about the book, stop "writing their own
book which will be free" and instead pitch in to help with the new manual.

When I return from spring break, I'll look for additional people who want to
contribute.  We have started an example conversion of the doctest stuff to
sphinx / RST.   We have a place to host the "live" (actually static, but
current) manual.
We will host the sphinx book in the same place that web2py sources exist
(will this follow what PEP 374 says - move to mercurial? --- tell us what
you think about hosting; tentatively we are talking about
moving web2py in 6 weeks).

Kacper - do you have anything to add?

Hope this gives food for discussion.

If you want to help w/ the source / docstring conversion, please contact
Kacper; perhaps he can assign files, coordinate this initial effort, and
basic sphinx book generation, so we can have a preview and next tasks within
2 weeks (?).


On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Michal Jursa <> wrote:

> That's absolutely not about money and I understand the reasons only
> partially, but if you are seriously interested in web2py, $10 is not so
> much. I hope Massimo will clear this all on website soon :)
> Michal alias Plysak
> Pystar napsal(a):
> > If Massimo is concerned about money (which isnt strange in the light
> > of things), i feel that the expose and awareness that will be created
> > by releasing the official web2py book as a free download will over
> > compensate for anything else. Even more revenue will be made because
> > people who read the ebook version might be willing to buy the printed
> > version. The gains to web2py and the whole community would be massive.
> > Over to you Massimo.
> >
> > On Apr 4, 1:19 am, Pystar <> wrote:
> >> I had this weird idea today, in other to bring web2py which IMHO is
> >> the best python framework out there, i would suggest that the official
> >> web2py book be made a free download. i give my reasons below:
> >> 1. Any newbie who wants to try out web2py might not be interested in
> >> reading the source code, or might find the docs on the web2py site
> >> sufficient, but if the web2py book is available as a free download,
> >> this might arouse his/her interest more.
> >> Just my 2 cents anyway
> > >
> >

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